Walthamstow Reservoirs
The Walthamstow Reservoirs, also known as Walthamstow Wetlands, is a 211-hectare site in Walthamstow, London, England. It is a complex of ten reservoirs owned and managed by Thames Water that supplies drinking water to 3.5 million people in London.
Books about Walthamstow Reservoirs:
Walthamstow Reservoirs Lake Fun Book: A Fun and Educational Lake Coloring Book
Walthamstow Reservoirs Lake Safety Book: The Essential Lake Safety Guide For Children
The reservoirs are also an internationally important wildlife haven, providing a home to a wide variety of birds, including waterfowl, birds of prey, and wading birds. The site is part of the Lee Valley Special Protection Area, a Ramsar site of international importance, and the Lee Valley Walthamstow Site of Metropolitan Importance for Nature Conservation.
The Walthamstow Reservoirs are a popular spot for coarse and fly fishing. There are twelve reservoirs in total, offering a variety of fishing experiences for beginners and experienced anglers alike. The site also has a trout fishery and an angling academy that offers tuition for those who are new to the sport.
In addition to fishing, the Walthamstow Reservoirs offer a number of other activities, including walking, cycling, and birdwatching. There is also a visitor center on site that provides information about the history and wildlife of the reservoirs.